The First Family needs to be a ‘real’ family

    by DrunkRobot97


    1. I’d also want to ask JD Vance if he thinks that old George, watching his army freeze half to death in Valley Forge, had a ‘physical commitment to the future of the country’.

    2. Martha Washington had two kids Jacky and Patsy and Martha was a widow of Dan Custis, a wealthy plantation owner.

    3. Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “If she doesn’t have kids, who will she send to work in the coal mines to fund her $25k lecterns?”

      Remember, never accept criticism from objectively garbage humans.

    4. Remember, the only evidence they have of Harris’s lack of humility is her aspiration for the highest office in the land. Nothing in her demeanour, just the fact that she expects to be President.

    5. Money_Percentage_630 on

      GOP crisis meetings seem to be “Which group of voters haven’t we alienated this week?”

    6. I had to laugh at the Sanders statement of being kept humble by her children. The word humble doesn’t exist in MAGA world

    7. Honestly, someone willing to devote their time, energy, love, attention, and money to raise children not biologically related to them sounds like a quality we should want in a president. What’s next, going after her for putting other peoples carts in the cart return, holding the door open for someone even if you aren’t also going inside?

    8. Yeah her kids keep her so humble that she signed a bill supporting child labor and every kid in the picture looked like they were about to cry while she had a shit eating grin on her face….

    9. Objective_Oven7673 on

      I’m not trying to make a blanket statement about republicans, but I can safely say that the only people who have directly and implicitly told me that I’m not as good of a person as I could be because I don’t have kids of my own are republicans.

      “You just don’t understand.”

      “You’ll never understand.”

      “Fatherhood changes a person.”

      These are not necessarily false statements but boy are they sure convenient go-to’s when someone who does have kids needs a reason to feel less insecure about themselves.

    10. HighOnKalanchoe on

      Sarah Huckabee Sander is doing great on her meth diet, she looks like a melted penis shaped candle

    11. That’s completely different you see. That’s a *man*. Men are people and so capable of making their own life choices.

    12. Saying she’s “humble” WHILE shilling for Trump, the LEAST “humble” person in the world.

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