The American Nightmare.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Now that is a display of privilege from the doctor. Not even an ounce of consideration, just chiding judgement and blankness.

    2. I work for a company that provides translation services for non english speakers. Our Main clients are hospitals and EVERY SINGLE DAY i watch this kind of things, doctors and nurses always ask for questions at the end and one of the most popular regardless of the situation is “how much will it cost?” Or “my insurance will cover it?”. I’ve seen people in the emergency room with shot and stab wounds worrying about the bills, i heard conversations of couples thinking about how they will afford to live cause a lifesaving medicine is too expensive, i’ve seen people leaving the hospital sick and weak cause they can’t risk to lose their jobs. Those are not isolated incidents, literally thousands die every year due this kind of circunstances. Is heartbreaking.

    3. I hadn’t been to the dentist for many years when I needed a root canal, mainly because things were tight financially and I needed to make sure my son had the dental care he needed. The only thing the dentist said was, “Some people don’t prioritize their teeth.” End of lecture.

    4. When I was young my mom turned the corner and my car door wasn’t shut and it came open. I fell out of the car and rolled to the curb ( thankfully I didn’t get ran over). My mom stopped and told me to get back in and we drove home like nothing happened. We were so poor that if you fell out of a moving car you were expected to walk that shit off, lol.

    5. Wtf kinda name is ashtyn? did her dad sneeze when trying to say Austin when it was time to name her?

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