Garland, if you’re listening

    by MrsACT


    1. Garland is doing his due diligence, you know. The list will be released after Russian stooges have already killed democracy in this country!

    2. Can’t wait to see Joe Rogan on that list. It’s quite convenient that all of a sudden he mentions Kamala’s advantage over trump.

    3. Garland? Can you imagine the things that would have been prevented if Garland showed even the slightest amount of authority when he took the position?

      Would giant chickens like Hawley or Cruz still deny the election?

      Would suck ups like Lindsay or Boebert still be praising the guy who tried to kill them?

      Would flip-floppers like McConnell or Stefanik renounce their denouncement of Trump?

      Would people begging for pardons like MTG or Matt Gaetz still be this defiant if there was a risk they’d actually get punished?

      Would Fox, NewsMax or CNN treat Trump as a candidate rather than a criminal?

      A strong AG would have, at the very least, followed the evidence and done investigations within congress. We’ve seen the video of Republicans during J6. When it came to their own personal safety, they ALL became cowards. So if, at the very least, Garland followed the evidence and did investigations on the people who participated in the rallies (Cruz, Brooks, Jordan, Hawley, MTG etc) it would have sent a signal that this behavior has consequences. But as time went by and Garland did nothing then they all went back to where the media spotlight was. Trump.

      Garland allowed this to happen because he didnt want to seem political. But that caused the most political environment we’ve had since the civil war. And even with all this confirmed evidence of “republican influencers” working for Russia, Garland does nothing. And the same thing is happening. Theyre seeing there’s no consequences and they’re slowly going back to the dangerous rhetoric that has broken the country.

    4. Funkymonkeyhead on

      Garland needs to be the first guy punted out if Harris wins. Serial pearl clutcher trying to both sides.

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