My friend’s cat regularly has differently sized pupils

    by stuck_in_a_gamr


    1. That’s Horner’s syndrome (edit: properly, anisocoria, one of the signs of Horner’s syndrome), and can be a sign of serious health problems. My cat had it, and it ended up being caused by aggressive lymphoma and hyperthyroidism putting pressure on his descending facial nerve.

      We noticed a month ago.

      We had to put him down last Saturday.

      Don’t sleep on this.

    2. Reasonable-Sun-6511 on

      Always giving that side eye..

      honestly, the picture is taken in daylight and the pupil is supposed to swell up or shrink down according to the light intake, which it obviously doesn’t.

      The cat’s left pupil is too wide (dilated) open to be considered regular, so either the cat’s got a defect going on or it’s hacking the matrix.

      My advice would be to get it a singular Inuit sided glasses so the cat can retain light properly and enjoy vision again while looking cool as fuck, or taking it to a vet to get an actual diagnosis.

    3. I had a kitty that had felv and the vet gave her a rabies vaccine without realizing she had felv. Apparently that caused a reaction that caused some neural inflammation and nerve/ brain damage in her that caused her to have the exact same thing going on with her eyes.

      This outcome is not nearly as bad as terminal cancer. However, it is still another instance where the different sized pupils were indicative of a pretty serious underlying medical condition…

      What I’m saying is I agree with all of the other redditors and your friend definitely needs to get their little furry friend checked out at the vet as soon as possible.

    4. My cat sometimes has this as well but only a little where one pupil will be slightly smaller than the other tho i usually notice it when theres light shining onto one side of his face so it might just be that

    5. In counter to the “this could imminently kill your pet” stories, I’ll give my own experience with this. Had my cat, affectionately nicknamed Asshole, come in with a seriously injured eye. At the time, we were super poor, and had to scrounge all of our money to take him to the vet, and I was 80% sure I was taking him to be put down, because I couldn’t afford much more than a vet visit. Get him to the vet, and she’s like, “looks like he scratched his eye with a stick or something. Use these drops, call back if it isn’t healed in a couple of weeks. That’ll be $85, $65 for the visit, $20 for the meds.” Sure enough, he recovered fine and lived another four or five years. His pupils never did quite match though, and there was a granuloma where the scratch had been. The injured eye would only constrict so much.

    6. My recently departed cat had different sized pupils for the vast majority of his life. His previous owner thinks he fell off the loft railing and hit something on the way down, he came home one day to find his kitten hunched and groaning on the floor and rushed to the vet.

      Kitten gets some eye drops and heals up mostly fine, except for the rest of his 16 years of life his pupils are different sizes! He may have had decreased vision in that eye but he didn’t let any vet get close enough to check it out so there’s only my supposition based on his behaviour.

    7. My cat got this, it’s horners syndrome, he had a severe ear infection that spread to his brain and messed with his optic nerves, he’s better now but still has problems with his balance and has one smaller pupil

    8. Not sure why a pet owner or anyone could just post this thinking it’s “interesting” and not think that it needs a vet visit.

    9. This is a bit concerning.

      My cat was sickly in his last week, but as soon as we noticed his pupils being different sizes, we took him to the emergency vet.

      One ultrasound later, they found an aggressive tumor that was spreading to other parts of his body.

      There was nothing they could do.

      I’d make your friend to their car to the vet. This could be a sign of severe health problems deep underneath.

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