Shut down the government.

    by javelin3000



      Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal, state, and most local elections.

    2. Trump has made fools out of his people. They go around believing his bullshit and they are so far down the rat hole, they will never get out. If they come to reality, they will feel so ashamed for following this nut, so I don’t they can face reality. It would mean their entire belief system is wrong. He is just making fools of them. Accepting things like Immigrants are eating cats and dogs. Prisoners are getting sex changes. How can they keep listening to that shit.

    3. This fucking guy! I seriously look forward to when he will be a long gone afterthought.

      In case this needs to be said, illegal aliens do not vote and cannot vote. Not only is it exceedingly rare, it is already illegal: noncitizens have been barred from voting in federal elections since 1924. In addition, in 1996, Congress made noncitizen voting in federal elections a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment.

      This “solution” looking for a problem is just *that*, a silly GOP stunt that will later allow them to justify losing the election to their voters. Orange doesn’t care about being president as much as he cares about that sweet donation money his followers keep finding, despite their professed painful economy.

      The richest beggar of all time needs these lies so that he can keep his voters hooked and milk them hard. Hell, if he loses this election, and he runs again 4 years from now, in his rotten mind that’s probably better as it means that much longer in grifting and robbing his followers.

    4. Translation = I’m losing horribly and I need to set up a bullshit scenario that allows me to claim I won… again.

    5. everythingbeeps on

      Friendly reminder that virtually all cases of voter fraud over the last decade have been republicans.

      They never seem to talk about that.

    6. Admirable_Nothing on

      If you want any current Republicans to win their races shutting down the government is the last thing you should do. So I say Shut it Down and then reap the rewards.

    7. fresh_water_sushi on

      Here we go with all the lies laying the groundwork for insurrection 2.0 there is no doubt they will try and overthrow the government and this election again

    8. If they did pass this and try to implement it in this cycle it would be chaos, but of course chaos benefiting Republicans as various minorities would not have the same easy access to required new identification needed.

      Democrats have been told to tone down their rhetoric, and yet here he is accusing (lying) without proof that Democrats are registering tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to vote. And telling his followers they’ve been pushed around by Democrats for too long. What is he implying they should do?

    9. Just one day without this Mandarin coloured main character spouting his scrofulous untruths and fiction, would be like a vacation in real world. Please Register and vote. Else we are doomed to hear it for years, much like Tinitus. It will never stop. That is only the start. So much else will be ruined.

    10. If they are registered to vote, they are de facto legal voters.

      Non-citizens can not legally vote anywhere for a federal election

      There were something on the order of 100 people charged with illegal voting in the last 2 presidential elections out of 300 million votes. There are orders of magnitude more invalid votes from people who vote absentee/by mail and die before Election Day. Illegal voting is such a non-issue in the US. The impact on doing it is virtually nothing and the punishments are severe.

    11. >”Democrats are registering illegal voters by the TENS OF THOUSANDS, as we speak” – Trump

      Serial, pathological liar still lies more easily than the rest of humanity breathes.

      That’s all that Trump and the Republicans have to offer are knowingly false, baseless, evidence-free claims, ad hominem attacks and not much else. Like the saying goes “without lies, the right dies”.

    12. Screw this idiot and his BS.

      That’s all he’s got, immigrants… Fear-mongering and bully tactics.

      End him in Nov and the “party” of children, especially if they shut down again because they don’t get what they want.

      Spank him hard, spank them hard the only way, at the ballot box.


    13. He is literally a perpetual victim crybaby. He should be named king snowflake. No one has a more fragile ego, other than musky boi perhaps, than Trump. All he has are scare tactics.

    14. I don’t want to see anyone get assassinated, but if this man just happened to go to sleep and not wake up I think this country would be a lot safer place.

    15. This guy is a traitor. He makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. The 10s of millions of filthy scumbags who vote for him are also traitors.

    16. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      Trump is a lying piece of crap.This is completely made up -please think before taking any of this as the Truth.Vance was right-He’s the heroin of America-addictive but bad for you and will kill you in the end.

    17. Shut the fuck up about illegal immigrants voting already. It’s not true and i’m sick of hearing the same tired old nonsense over and fucking over.

      Anyone who agrees with Trump is a fucking idiot.

    18. Brown shirts shutting down the government in an election year where their guy is losing in the polls would be the highest form of political suicide

    19. There are 3 municipalities that allow non citizen to register for LOCAL elections. Nowhere in the United States are non citizens voting for the presidential election without commiting voter fraud.

    20. He is already preparing the “Democrats won because they cheated” crowd.
      This jackass is not going to go down quietly.

      If we get another Jan 6th riot this clown should die in jail.

    21. Lumpy_Branch_4835 on

      Go right fucking ahead and shut it down. How has that worked every time they’ve done it before. Furloughed workers are not happy workers or voters. Senior citizens worrying about SSI checks aren’t happy voters. Ect ect ect.

    22. I’m almost positive he will try and start another riot after he loses again. I can’t believe this guy was president.

    23. ConsciousReason7709 on

      All Trump does is lie. He is a pathological liar. It is 100% illegal already for non-citizens to vote in federal or state elections.

    24. I’m starting to realize there is no point in being mad at Trump. It’s his shithead dumb followers that believe or agree with this shit is the problem.

    25. HumanMycologist5795 on

      1. I’m surprised he can spell.
      2. I’m affected if the Fed govt is shut down. I have to use what vacation time I have and don’t get retroactive like federal workers. I was stressed out when Trump was president. I hope they get things straight.

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