
    by whatisoo


    1. They met the minimum attendance time to get their payment for attending.

      Note – I’m not kidding, they’re running Craigslist adds for paid attendees/extras but you have to be there for a minimum amount of time to get paid.

    2. NSApasswordAdmin on

      Being the Devil’s advocate here, but how do we know this was during the speech and not after it?

    3. Trident_Or_Lance on

      One thing I don’t see anyone talking about is that these are not normal rallies. 

      Theyb go there to get drunk and be around other drunk assholes that have all the isms.

      Its a deplorables party, a permission to be the worse they can be. That is the simple truth of why they love Trump. They get up and go to hang out at the vendors and drink more. The speech doesn’t matter to them.

      It’s a lot like a baseball game. People get up a lot to go get fucked up and watch the game on the TV next to the bar.

    4. Who wanted to listen this fuck idiot !!???? He paid people to be over there and in the end people leave 😂

    5. Quantum-Goldfish on

      Can’t blame them. How anyone can sit there and listen to him spend the next hour or two doing nothing but moaning and whining about how unfair things are for him and generaly lying through his teeth about every subject he talks about. It’s mentaly tiring just hearing him second hand on a video let alone in person.

    6. So according to CNN who asked some of these people why they left early, it was either, “We got shit to do like pick up ours or go to work” or “I waited in line for 7 hours and I’m too tired now.” AKA “I have more important things to do than listen to a guy talk about nothing.”

    7. I don’t blame them. Who wants to listen to a geriatric blowhard rambling on for hours.

      Trump’s victim narrative is exhausting.

    8. When your demographic is to leave in the 7th inning to beat traffic…. Oh yeah- and your speeches suck ass

    9. Who wants to hear an incoherent asshole blather on a stage for any amount of time? This Maga cult is so baffling.

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