Please don’t

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. I think we are going to be really disappointed in the exit polls.

      But anyway, we need to mind our own business.

    2. LiberateMeFromYou on

      I mean black people in Chicago and NYC are complaining about illegal immigrants to their local politicians because they’re taking resources from them like housing, and food from food banks. Even Dr. Umar talked about it. It’s not talking about them like how white people do, but it’s a problem when you have an influx of people in your community that came here illegally using up your resources

    3. I mean, that’s always been the case. A lot of people in my family don’t like Mexicans and Asians, and they’ve been that way for my whole life. Assholes always need to feel like there’s someone below them. But, just because the worst people you know are, well, the worst people you know doesn’t mean that there’s some uptick in xenophobia in the black community. I just think that, like it does, social media makes the assholes really loud.

    4. That aint new honestly. I’ve heard a lot of outta pocket shit about Mexicans and Asian while waiting to get my haircut over the years

    5. SpectacularOtter on

      Every 10 years it feels like a new ethnic group is a target for some random reason. I just can’t support the idea of treating another group of people the way black people were treated before civil rights. Don’t get me wrong, still not easy being a black person.

    6. I’ve gotten exponentially more “Go back to Africa”-s from black folks than white people in the US but pointing that out is always somehow “divisive”.

      Let’s talk about it.

    7. I’m mixed black/Asian and I was talking to my wife about how it’s BIG BULLSHIT that people only talk about the brown immigrants causing trouble as if the Italian immigrants didn’t fucking run rampant in New York for decades.

      Trump’s wife is an immigrant. Nobody talking about her eating dogs? Tired of this shit!

    8. I’m still convinced that a lot of those are bots. Yes, some are just jackasses, but I’d be a significant number of them are fake.

    9. “Starting to.” I love my family but I have never heard more racist complaints about Mexicans than from some of them; for many years.

    10. Let’s not act like immigrants don’t come over and badmouth African Americans bases on what they see on reality shows and social media either. It’s a two way street.

    11. AlphabetMafiaSoup on

      Yes fr but it’s because niggas are mad our rights don’t come first and I get that but we should never perpetuate the same bullshit we’re always experiencing

    12. Traditional_Curve401 on

      “The dream of the slave isn’t freedom. The dream of the slave is to become the slave master.” 

      Black people hating immigrants is exactly that quote in action.

    13. I have never met a black person who didn’t like Asians or immigrants at worst maybe indifferent. If anything they’re racist against Blacks.

    14. You should hear the way black people in Africa talk about immigrating black people..

      I ve heard a fair few horrible epitaphs.

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