In 1977, a Colombian drug plane crashed into a remote lake in Yosemite, carrying 6000 pounds (2722 kilograms) of marijuana. Climbers and mountaineers recovered the drugs, then sold them on the market for massive profit.

    by DynamicDuplicity


    1. The Colombians new only one man could get those drugs back, and that man is a woman, and that woman…is a bear…on cocaine.

      Cocaine Bear 2: The Rise of Pot Raccoon.

    2. Dope Lake.

      The dollop did and episode on it and there was a portion of Valley Uprising that talks about it

    3. The documentary “Valley Uprising” touches on this story a bit with some funny animations. Worth a watch!

    4. That looks like shit lol these guys would have a brain hemorrhage if they smoked the best stuff available today

    5. Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 on

      I swear, this was such a wet dream for 18 year old me. Preferably with something like coke. But weed would be almost just as exciting

    6. Minute-Hovercraft220 on

      The good old days; when you could steal from the cartel and your family wouldn’t get beheaded.

    7. Ohhhh how it must have rankled those nasty Colombian drug lords to see this picture of these 3 degenerate dingleberries horsing around with their drugs.

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