Women am I right?

    by Training-World-1897


    1. Training-World-1897 on

      He said his hesitation about endorsing universal woman suffrage had to do with the possibility that the vote would not be exercised by the vast majority of women, but used only by “that part of the class least desirable as political constituents and may be neglected by many of those who are intelligent and patriotic and would be most desirable as members of the electorate.”

      That brought out the hisses, and a retort by the President: “Now, my dear ladies, you must show yourselves equal to self-government by exercising in listening to opposing arguments that degree of restraint without which successful self-government is impossible.”

      The rest of the speech went smoothly, and after being given a hearty round of applause as he finished speaking, he assured a somewhat embarrassed Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, President of N.A.W.S.A., that his feelings had not been injured in the least by the brief incident of hissing.

    2. nequaquam_sapiens on

      wait a minute… are you telling me USA had black president before women could even vote?
      and he was called like the shampoo, although he was bald? the irony.

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