A ship carrying 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate is currently floating uncontrolled of the coast of Norway. For context the 2020 Beirut explosion was caused by 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate

    by Lithium321


    1. Can you show the source of this information? The only thing I’ve seen is that it’s been turned away from a few ports.

    2. Wow, that s super concerning! 20,000 tons is a massive amount, especially considering what happened in Beirut. Let s hope they can get that ship under control ASAP and avoid any potential disaster. Safety first! ️

    3. Would be terrifying to be an employee of the ship. Could a spark ignite the stuff? How dangerous is it to transport in general? It would be over so quick….

    4. Somebody finds an old hand grenade in the basement, and 10 cops, a fire truck, and the bomb squad show up.

      A ship that can flatten 3 states shows up and everybody yawns.

    5. I must have 20,000 tons of uncontrolled ammonium nitrate because I’m about to do a number on my toilet

    6. The Beirut explosion also included several tons of ammunition and munitions too though, but still not good.

    7. How many kT it Gona make then? If it’s on middle of sea I assume it’s not that big deal than in central of city.

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