No objections, Your Honor

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Very true.

      The only enforcement mechanism that the Court has is the respect that other branches have for its decision, but there is no Supreme Court police force that the Justices can send out to enforce their decisions.

    2. Also, the high-powered rifle amendment is missing. Does he think the founding fathers foresaw every aspect of modern life? He’s cherry-picking to fit his own narrative. Women should control their OWN bodies. Worry about your own!

    3. HorrorHistorical7528 on

      this SCOTUS bench of the far right ideologues needs something that I cannot say in public

    4. There is nothing in the Constitution that says I can’t murder someone either. The Constitution is not the only document that defines the rules of the USA.

    5. He’s being willfully ignorant. Ever heard of “the pursuit of happiness”. I believe that is in the constitution.

    6. I seem to remember something about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But I’m no historian.

    7. We have grown tremendously in population in the last century. One shouldn’t have to wait years for a decision from 9 justices. There should be 25 justices and 9 should be randomly chosen to hear each case in order to remove politics from the decision. No more judge shopping to push a case to SCOTUS when its majority holds a particular bias. Our justices should not be showing any bias AT ALL, EVER. There should be either term limits or an upper bound on age. Once you hit 70, you’re replaced. There is so much room for improvement but politics keeps anything from changing.

    8. But there’s at least one place where it says in the constitution that powers not specifically given to the federal government (e.g., interfering in private healthcare decisions) are reserved for the states and the people.

    9. Other things the Supreme Court has held are in the Constitution by implication instead of explicitly: innocent until proven guilty, miranda warnings, separation of powers, military draft, application of most of the Bill of Rights to the States, an individual right to bear arms, the legitimacy of paper currency, the Court’s ability to “strike down” laws, and (most recently) presidential immunity.

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