The elusive “Cougar’s Shadow” as seen from Apache Junction, Arizona. The shadow silhouette is natural phenomenon in the state’s Superstition Mountains that only appears twice a year, during the equinoxes.

    by Flat_Preparation_196


    1. Since it appears at a set time, someone should totally go there and take some wild pictures, like posing near its mouth and pretending to scream.

      …Unless the giant cougar is waiting to pounce from behind a mountain.

    2. The “Cougar’s Shadow” is indeed a fascinating natural phenomenon! This striking silhouette occurs in the Superstition Mountains during the equinoxes, when the sun aligns perfectly to cast the shadow of the mountain in a way that resembles a cougar. It’s a remarkable sight that draws both locals and visitors alike to Apache Junction. If you’re interested in experiencing this unique event, be sure to mark your calendar for the equinoxes, as it only appears twice a year!

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