Unused One Night Stand Kit from early 1980s

    by coyotecowgirl


    1. Wow I wondered where I had mislaid that kit. I’d been holding off on doing any sex until I found it, then around 2002 I kinda forgot about it.

    2. Sixtyoneandfortynine on

      I’m halfway convinced that was intended to be “gag gift”, but it’s also the kind of thing one used to find in truck stop bathroom vending machines.

      Every item included is good for a chuckle for one reason or another and the pamphlet features that cheeky little checklist.

      More on the nose (at least to me) is the fact that this thing may have been sold (I’m not convinced it’s from the 80s, looks a little late 70s-ish) during the time the AIDS crisis was gaining steam and everyone was supposed to be having “safe sex”, yet they blatantly omitted ***the*** essential item for a one-nighter, replacing it with the smart-assed “you can add what we left out” little nod and wink.

      (Or, maybe I’m just bored and went too far down a rabbit-hole overthinking a random reddit post, lol.)

    3. On the back:

      For additional Thank-You cards, send a self-addressed and stamped envelope to:

      NEO-ART, INC.
      P.O. BOX 7272
      Van Nuys, Calif. 91406

      10 Cards – Enclose $1.00
      25 Cards – Enclose $2.00

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