Tesla Introducing – The CyberSub

    by NyhmrodZa


    1. What happened to Elons dream to build transport tunnels? Haven’t heard anything about that for awhile.

    2. Every now and again they remember to mock Tesla and Leon himself…

      But for the most of it … well … everyone wants a Cybersub now. They kinda forgot that just because they *can* create a great advert, whether they *should* do it, is another question!

      Taken all n all, they’ve done Leon a favour with this.

    3. Elon is gonna see this… and have his engineers get started next week.

      Remeber..he was already interested in diving tech..

    4. “Inspired by the ideal human form”

      Did you make the sub design from Elon’s weird looking torso?

    5. – Excuse me, there’s a gap in my cybersub frame and some water is coming inside
      – Oh that’s within spec sir, have a nice day !

    6. I like the subtle implication that the Cybersub is reducing our carbon footprint by most likely KILLING humans, “four explorers at a time”.

    7. Either-League8476 on

      This is actually amazing production value. Is this AI generated or did you render this yourself?

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