My dad found an owlet

    by DJ_NINJA9


    1. OP, was this today? Does he still have it/know where it is?

      I did owl rescue for a while and this one needs to be taken to a licensed wildlife facility.

      A healthy owl should not be able to be caught and held like this, and if that’s the general posture/body language it has, something is wrong.

      This is what I’ve seen them look like when they’re sick or poisoned.

      If he still has it/it hasn’t flown off, I can give you detailed advice on how to save it/where to take it.

    2. keepingupwithelectra on

      Wow, that s so cool! Owlets are adorable little creatures! Did he get any pics? I d love to see them! It must be such a special moment to find one in the wild. Nature always has a way of surprising us!

    3. It amazes me to see people holding a wild owl on their hand that they just caught. It never gets old.

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