Your boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes you cheer

    by ExactlySorta


    1. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      You think any one of them could give a reason they don’t like the rate cut? Aside of course from the fact that the weirdos on stage don’t

    2. So they want high interest rates? Next generation of psychiatrists and historians are going to have tons of material to study the far right cultists stupidity. Are this ppl even humans at this point?

    3. Alright maga just keep on giving the banks more of your money with the high interest loans. Since you love giving your money to trump.

    4. Almostsuicide1234 on

      LOL!!! They don’t want problems fixed, that is clear. They want their god emperor to wield unchecked power for life, and anything good that happens before the election makes it less likely. Fuck these people, as if it needs to be said. 

    5. Own-Hospital-7602 on

      How likely is it that they think “rate cut” applies to interest rates in their Savings accounts, and not interest rates as it applies to loans? Like the boos are legitimate because they don’t understand what interest rate is being cut?

    6. When did so many people from one of the allegedly most advanced countries on Earth becoming so completely and irrevocably fucking stupid.

    7. Of course they do, it reduces the chance, or makes it harder to elect their dear leader. there is no “right honorable opposition” in the right wing these days.

    8. Odd_Culture_1774 on

      Like Trump de-railing the border security bill, these people only like favorable policy if it is “their guy” implementing it … they truly hate America

    9. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      I thought lower interest rates weee good for everyone? Why the boos?

      Oh – because they didn’t wait for orange Jesus to do it 🙄

    10. AncientScratch1670 on

      I’ve gotta stop reading the news. Every day these fools do something dumber than the day before. It’s like some moronic contest.

    11. Scrooge-McShillbucks on

      We should get them a form where they can opt out and keep paying more if they really dislike it 🤷‍♂️

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