Sarah is out here making fun of women who can’t have their own biological children… Don’t worry her solution is to make IVF illegal too! Project 2025 needs to be stopped.

    by byrdparkstoke


    1. Initial-Company3926 on

      I feel so incredibly sorry for all those who can´t have a children, but want them so bad. Thiese kind of comments must be a stab in the heart for them every single time

      How does republicans have so little compassion???

      I would like to add I absolutely also support people who choose to remain childfree by choice

    2. It is very unfortunate that a US presidential nominee is :

      1) A proven criminal
      2) A sex offender
      3) Fascist
      4) Racist
      5) Sexual Predator
      6) Fraudster
      7) Misogynist

      And still somehow he is managing to bypass all laws and run for presidency.

      How the laws have failed to protect common people.

    3. I’m adopted and have my own biological children. If you think you need children to understand the lessons of humility, you probably should not have children.

    4. That was such a cruel comment to make. We don’t know another woman’s history regarding becoming pregnant. So many are unable but want to carry a baby. The pain they suffer is nothing to make fun of.

    5. And to think I momentarily felt bad when they used to call you huck-a-beast. What does your trump have to keep him humble? You fucking gas bag.

    6. Disastrous-Method-21 on

      Says the heifer who has calves but can’t feel empathy for her fellow women. Fuck MAGA and all who empower it.

    7. Environmental-Arm365 on

      She’s just trying to share Arkansas family values with Michigan. Debatable if inbreeding and cooking meth qualify as “values” but here we are…

    8. penguinpomplemousse on

      Weird swipe to take at Harris for not being humble when this nepo-baby hasn’t shown a shed of humility in her pathetic existence.

    9. Puzzleheaded_Ad_8079 on

      Fuckabee was so humble that she stole govt money to go party in Paris and tried to commit fraud to hide that shit. So humble.

    10. It’s amazing how stupid people like chucklebee flanders are. They think they’re virtuous and slamming Harris but in reality it just shows how pathetic they really are.

    11. I can’t even with these imbeciles. Imagine having the hubris to publicly announce that someone else isn’t humble enough, and the stupidity to not realize the inherent hypocrisy of that position.

    12. What is up with this conservatives views of a “constant baby stream” ?

      This agenda keeps popping up about “more babies” when the kids and parents today struggle by the same policies these conservatives want in place.

      Do they want bodies for war?
      More white babies?
      More people to buy shit?

      IDK…. can some conservative explain why more babies are desired?

      More people need more jobs that AI and robotics are replacing.

      My wife and I have no kids due to cancer taking my wife ability away. Before someone says adopt, I want no kids.

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