Gone but forgotten

    by Vasoline_Fly


    1. I finally got my dad to stop listening to Rush after almost 30 years.

      Granted, he had to die to make it happen, but I’m still counting it as a win.

    2. He was the gateway drug that helped turn my parents MAGA. I was forced to listen to his hatefilled rants on the radio anytime I went anywhere with my dad growing up. I wish my dad had listened to 70’s rock like normal dads.

    3. Totally disagree. Absolutely. This rotten human trash is virtually solely responsible for and the grandfather of the disrespectful, hateful and deceitful rants we hold as common everyday right wing media lies today.

      He is garbage and started this. Every grifting right wing trash mouth that makes a dollar owes their livelihood to this cock sucker. I’m glad he’s dead.

    4. He built his fame on lies, conspiracy theories, and hatred. He was disgusting, seemingly deranged, and he, like trump and his goon squad did/do not qualify as human.

    5. That fascist pedo is the reason so many rural areas are now raging anti-American hate monsters. They listened to AM radio as they worked the farms and minded the stores and he led that propaganda revolution

    6. This is the same for every Republican from my state, once they’re not in office their usefulness is done.

      Remember the Okie Senator that was terrified of the lesbians taking over? Okies don’t either. I had to look up his fucking name Tom Coburn, lol. He died, no one gave a shit. Inhofe got a couple days if that, senator snowball.

    7. I was fresh out of the Marines in the early 90s and had voted for Bush in the 88 election my first legal vote. I worked in a factory and listened to talk radio. This MFer was so vile that he turned me into a Democrat. I was always liberal thinking but bring in the marines Libs were bad for some reason. That hateful pos deserves nothing but scorn

    8. I wish I could find it now but there was a video of Rush Limbaugh on stage early on in his career admitting that he would lie to his audience.

    9. He’s dead?

      Man, I think so little about him now that he’s not spewing nonsense, I didn’t even notice that no one mentions his nonsense anymore.

    10. The thing that made me realize this was when that dead asshole’s cousin tried to prevent the citizens of Missouri from voting to protect women’s freedom on their ballots this November. Fortunately, the Missouri Supreme Court didn’t go along with that bullshit, and the people there will have their vote. But I literally had not given a single thought to rush limbaugh since right after he died. And you could largely say the same thing about similar hatemongers like bill o’reilly and glenn beck (even though neither are dead yet).

    11. SirPoopaLotTheThird on

      Trump still talks about him. He seems bigly impressed how the fat drug addict always included Obama s middle name and pronounced it funny.

    12. ThaDollaGenerale on

      Not true. I had a coworker complain that her daughter was reprimanded for bringing in her Rush History books to her elementary school.

    13. Just think, somewhere out there he’s looking up at of us and wondering why we all forgot about him

    14. We remember just enough which is annoying. I always wanted to name my son Rush after Benjamin Rush Rhees who basically built my Alma mater in tandem with George Eastman. The first time I mentioned “Rush” as a possible boy’s name, the person I said it to asked “you mean after Rush Limbaugh” and that basically killed the name for me.

    15. But his very dangerous legacy lives on.

      He created (literally and figuratively) millions of dittoheads who simply agree and parrot talking points without any critical thinking skills.

    16. He is frying in hell, just as he should be. He was a hate filled fat ass that helped perpetuate the current climate.

    17. Now it is Fox and all the other Russian paid idiots that took over where that hateful man left off!

    18. I always forget he’s from my home town. Unfortunate. And that my uncle works at his law firm. :v

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