the UN in every conflict

    by tintin_du_93


    1. Human_Fondant_420 on

      > Complain about countries that pretend to be world police

      > Complain we dont have a world police

    2. outergod-Aldemani on

      “We are an organization that promotes world peace”

       “Oh, a big African war? Unfortunately we can’t go in because we can’t”

    3. People still think the UN is world government and not just a club where countries can talk it out

    4. IwillStealUrLoot on

      “The UN Peacekeepers are useless” mfs when Cambodia (UNTAC 1992 – 1993), El Salvador (ONUSAL, 1991 – 1995), Namibia (UNTAG 1989 – 1990), Guatemala (MINUGUA 1996), Tajikistan (UNMOT 1994 – 2000), Mozambique (ONUMOZ 1992 – 1994), Burundi (ONUB 2004 – 2007), and Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL 1999 – 2006)

    5. The UN should be disbanded. It never works. It hasn’t worked with the League of Nations, it won’t work with the United Nations

    6. We all know full well the second the UN tries to be more involved in a conflict the following day they’ll loose any “power” and authority they have, and well maybe if the UN security council wasn’t composed of the countries most involved in “disrupting” (to stay polite) foreign countries for their economical and political interest they’d be able to do anything.

      The same council where two of the members are just here to give due to some lost Empire they had and one who’s getting trouble trying to invaded one of the poorest countries in Europe who has been drip fed support.

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