
    by escorttriffie


    1. TeaandTrees1212 on

      All churches should pay taxes. They are a business like any other. The sell delusions and mythology.

    2. backwardbuttplug on

      Tax them out of existence. You preach politics, your church should simply be removed from the planet.

    3. FillMySoupDumpling on

      No more tax free housing pay for church employees.

      If the money isn’t spent on actual charity, then it needs to be taxed. 

      Forget about controlling political speech, just tax them all consistently.

    4. Church and politics have always been intertwined, everywhere and through the ages… of course they should pay taxes,,,

    5. Environmental-Arm365 on

      Fine them every time they get caught kiddie diddling. The Catholic Church would be bankrupt and have to close their doors within 6 months.

    6. All churches should pay taxes. No one should be exempt due to religion. Exemption should be determined by income/poverty levels.

    7. No say in politics and they pay taxes.

      And keep quiet. I don’t care who your god is, mine is the right one.

    8. OwnApartment8359 on

      As a Christian I think they should pay taxes, however, many churches really struggle financially (mine has had rough times). This can hurt those that struggle. I’m not talking mega churches, I’m talking the small ones. Maybe have a rule that churches with x amount of members or churches that recieve x amount of offerings per year should pay taxes. The ones who have the financial issues would qualify for a not for profit easily. Mine does so much charitable work as we have a school too. I know I have an unpopular opinion though.

    9. Following the teachings of the Bible ; love thy neighbor like yourself, help the poor and weary, be compassionate and loving…. You know all maga values…./ s

    10. Absolutely.

      It’s crazy how anybody can just create a religious organization when they don’t feel like paying taxes.

      And church nowadays are really full of judgmental and vindictive leaders. A pastor of a church my family and I visited earlier this year was preaching about……something…..he was just rambling really. But at one point, he mentioned an interaction he had with a woman at an airline gate and how she was “giving him attitude”. Instead of offering pray with her or – you know, be a Christian – he gave her attitude back, and told her he’d talk about her bad attitude and how she’s a bad person, in his sermon. We left early.

    11. 100%! I’ve got into several arguments over crazy Christians about this even a pastor at the church and even called him out on it and he decide to just block me without responding.

    12. _homealonemalone_ on

      I don’t know for a fact, but I just know that Trump has probably paid for a few abortions.

    13. If a church is promoting political parties they can be reported to the IRS to remove their tax free status

    14. SupernovaGamezYT on

      The reason for the tax exemption is because they are supposed to use the money for charity and helping the homeless and stuff… but I think that unless the money is for that, tax it.

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