My natural grey hair I’ve had since I was 12

    by Bumblebee-Honey-Tea


    1. this-just-sucks on

      It’s beautiful!!!

      Is it genetic?
      Or did you have an event in your life that your body registered as trauma and started making grey hair? Hope you don’t mind the question, you don’t need to elaborate on anything.
      It’s just such an interesting phenomenon.

      I understand why a child could be self-conscious, but it’s really magnificent.

    2. That’s actually really cool. I’ve had a weird desire to dye my hair white/silver since I was a kid but since my hair is so naturally dark I’ve never done it.

    3. I had silver hair during my college years. Bleached out and then silver dyed shoulder length hair on a guy. I got a lot of attention from women for looking unusual. I used to use that purple shampoo and conditioner to pull the blond tones out of my hair to make it a more monochromatic.

      I think your hair looks great… and I’m jealous.

    4. Beautiful! I started going grey when I was 19, and now (37) I’m like 20%ish silver. Does going grey young run in your family?

    5. finnjakefionnacake on

      i see you, OP. i’m gonna call my greying hair “natural” since i was a kid too 😉


    6. I hope you take every possible opportunity to wear flower crowns. They look fantastic on silver hair!

    7. It’s great. Mine went grey at about 17. It took a long time for people to realise it’s cool

    8. Junior-Demand-9251 on

      That’s so interesting.. can you add a photo when u were that young? I’ve never heard or seen anything like this before! I’m definitely growing mines out when the time comes.

    9. Oh wow! I just saw a young woman the other day that had gray streaks and I thought that was unusual, but you definitely take the cake. You definitely look like you should be in a video game/comic/fairy tale 😁

      I’m 38 and I just have random pure white hairs in my black beard 😑

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