THEY just went against THEIR statement while trying to show THEY oppose these pronouns πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    by Matt_D_Will


    1. No problem with non-binary crowd, but the terminology used is plural….. for a single person. Its is kinda odd grammatically to refer to one person as “they” (plural)
      Cant say i agree with the emotions behind the post but from an english language perspective it makes sense

    2. Penchantfortoes on

      I don’t understand why people get in such a tizzy about this, but it would be really really helpful if there were a gender-neutral singular pronoun. Obviously people have tried to introduce them, but they never stick, alas.

    3. It’s normal to use they/them in a singular sense when you’re not sure which gender/sex the person is, that’s proper English.

    4. β€œThis person I don’t know, what is their sex?” What English teacher wouldn’t know this?

    5. The facepalm isn’t in the use of “their”. Or even in the apparent contradiction of using “their” to refer to *a* teacher. It is in their bigotry.

    6. Ok-Preparation2370 on

      I’m willing to bet that 90% of the people who make a fuss over pronouns, wouldn’t even know what pronouns are and wouldn’t have scored the best grades in their high school examinations. πŸ‘€

    7. I disagree with this person’s views, but this post is just pedantic lol. The teacher in this sentence is just a concept, so the appropriate word is “they” not matter what. They are saying that they disagree with the usage of “they/them” once the actual person is established.

    8. Transphobes and homophobes should lose their teaching licenses… school should be a safe space for kids to be free to be themselves

      Pronouns aren’t that big of a deal, just respect other people and use what they prefer… nobody expects you to never make a mistake, just try and don’t mispronounce them on purpose

    9. Creepy_Iron3494 on

      Using They/them for a singular person when you know the person and the gender is grammatically wrong.

      “Their” in the context of this sentence is grammatically correct.

      Let’s not pretend that you don’t understand something this simple and that it is all the same.
      You know the difference and appropriate grammatical usage of these pronouns.

      And let’s not act like it hasn’t been grammatically established since forever that “they/them” is used for plural objects or people.

    10. If you see a person struggling, would you help THEM? Would THEY accept your help? Oops! Guess I can’t teach.

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