That escalated quickly.

    by G-Unit11111


    1. SnootSnootBasilisk on

      To be fair to Trump (never thought I’d ever say that), nuclear weapons are a threat to most things

    2. EmperorBamboozler on

      Technically he isn’t wrong. Also you could use it as “the biggest threat” to pretty much anything. Like the biggest threat to the barbeque next weekend is definitely nuclear weapons. Sure, you may say rain, but if everything gets nuked that’s objectively harder to plan around.

    3. AreWeThereYetNo on

      So what have the idiot whisperers cooked from this? Is it a policy to prop up manufacturing in Michigan?

    4. Imagine how much leverage his amplification gives Putin. This guy was never a dove. Its incredible to watch. Some of us actually tried to stop the US from taking the bait back in 2002-3.

    5. Northerngal_420 on

      What’s the biggest threat to national parks?

      Nuclear weapons.

      See, it works for everything.

    6. Assortedwrenches89 on

      I’ve been sending shit like this to my MAGA family members asking what he means or why he is saying these things, and its almost humorous reading their responses jumping through hoops to make sense of it. Then, asking if its so important why isn’t Harris saying the same things?

    7. So… he’s not actually wrong. That being said, it’s not exactly a useful answer for most people.

      I can’t wait for the New York Post headline tomorrow: MICHIGAN THREATENED BY NUCLEAR WEAPONS — HARRIS SILENT ON THREAT

    8. It is very unfortunate that a US presidential nominee is :

      1) A proven criminal
      2) A sex offender
      3) Fascist
      4) Racist
      5) Sexual Predator
      6) Fraudster
      7) Misogynist

      And still somehow he is managing to bypass all laws and run for presidency.

      How the laws have failed to protect common people.

    9. randomman2071983 on

      Remember when Trump had a nuclear standoff with North Korea seemingly out of nowhere? Great times

    10. Trump wants to set the world up for a nuclear war. He eliminated the nuclear treaties with Russia and Iran giving them free rein to develop new modern nuclear weapons which can be used in tactical battles. Trump directed the US to make smaller more useable nuclear weapons and his cabinet members admitted that Trump wants to use nuclear weapons.

      Then allowing Russia to invade our allies in Europe as he promised to do, will certainly trigger a large scale WWIII battle.

    11. Can someone explain to me why are there so many black folks at his rallies? that too always visible on camera?
      What kind of delusion is this?

    12. What is the biggest threat to Michigan manufacturing?

      A giant meteor that will kill 99% of life on earth.

    13. No, Trump is right. I’ve been telling people for years that Canada is still a vassal state of the British empire. They’ve been stockpiling nukes so they can destroy manufacturing in the rust belt. Just you wait and see. Next year will be 249 years since America offended the British crown. 9 * 2 is 18 and 18 is six three times. That’s 666 but multiplied by 4 because of the four in 249 which means that it will be four times as bad as 666. But because of all the demoncrats our Savior Trump isn’t going to be able to protect us except for his chosen few followers who already know the Redcoats are coming.

      Also, that was all blatant sarcasm, just in case people miss the subtext.

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