I guess MAGA isn’t aware the USA is a country of immigrants

    by golfnut82


    1. I had to explain to my mother we are only 3 generations removed from being British on her side. On my dad’s side we would be 4 generations removed from being German. It really isn’t that far back in the past as one might think.

    2. The latest one is an illegal immigrant, working in the US as a “model” while on a travel visa. She then married Trump, got a green card, had an anchor baby and used chain migration to get her parents into the country.

    3. Fun fact.   Trump means fart in the UK so to a Brit like me his first wife’s name is the funniest name ever.

    4. Oh they understand. What you have to understand about conservatives is they are the kind of people who say “fuck them I got mine”. That’s why when you find black conservatives they are shitting on black people because “fuck them I got mine” same applies to conservative immigrants. All the same.

    5. “not those immigrants, the other ones”

      – Republicans when they want their yard mowed, house cleaned, food cooked, vegetables picked from the fields, etc

    6. The family is almost exclusively immigrants or first generation kids of immigrant. If they had come from anywhere but Europe every single MAGA would demand they be sent back together with their anchor babies.

    7. Remember how his first wife, mother of three of his adult children, wrote in official court documents how Donald Trump raped her?

      Remember how she also “accidentally” fell down some stairs and died and Donald buried her on a New Jersey golf course so he could get a tax break?

      That’s all. Just wondering if anyone remembered

    8. MessagingMatters on

      Plus, how many Americans can stare at things and squint like that? We need immigrants to do the squinting that we just won’t do.

    9. Eastern-Nothing-8389 on

      Only an immigrant would suck donold for a green card. A normal woman would spray him with a cockroach killer.

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