Against the bill

    by Tredsazsa74678


    1. enriquedelcastillo on

      I think they just needed to give the bill a name with fewer syllables and she’d have supported it. “Infrastructure” kind of sounds liberal. Next time try the “getting around bill”.

    2. Several_Leather_9500 on

      This is on par with the GOP.

      Create a problem.
      Complain about said problem.
      Vote against solution for problem.



    3. A part of me thinks that the GOP doesn’t actually want to solve any of these problems like infrastructure and immigration. Complaining and fear-mongering are such important parts of their power-base that it would be a threat to their political power to actually solve these problems.

    4. And her party’s answer is what? Cut spending and give the wealthy a tax break… ya thats gonna fix everything

    5. Significant_Layer857 on

      She forgets to tell this people that the entire budget of foreign aid is 1% of the entire budget for the US government.
      The exaggeration oh the MAGA republicans is beyond comprehension

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