Literally unbelievable

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Republicans don’t care. It’s almost futile to get mad about it anymore because the people who need to hear it the most literally do not care and will not change their minds.

    2. I_can_use_chopsticks on

      I used to think Couch Fucker Vance was a terrible VP choice. Now I’m starting to think he was perfect for the role. He’s doing exactly what they want him to do. What a strange reality we live in.

    3. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      I learned in grade school not to pass on rumors I knew were false.


    4. Nope … not only absolutely believable, but 100% to be expected from these pathetic fucking wastes of oxygen.

    5. How is this unbelievable?

      These people have proven time and time and time again that there are no limits to the depths they are willing to sink in order to win.

      Why are people still acting surprised by any of this?

    6. To be clear – when I say “literally unbelievable,” I’m referring to the meat of the tweet: the rumor. It’s literally unbelievable. I’m not referring to Vance’s willingness to lie and MAGA’s willingness to take it as truth. That’s tragically believable. Hope that makes more sense

    7. Well that’s the thing, he told VANCE that it was false, and we know from the debate that Vance and Trump don’t talk to each other

    8. trump lies, jd lies. these people are amoral and will do and say anything for power, money, and to stay out of jail.

      it’s actually so insane the lengths that they are demonizing an innocent community, creating an environment filled with daily bomb threats.

      for what? media attention, and maybe drive some voters out, getting a few more votes.

      >”if I have to create stories so that the American Media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people then that’s what I’m going to do Dana”


    9. novonshitsinpantz on

      When has something being an obvious lie dissuaded Republicans from saying it. It’s pretty much a requirement…

    10. They don’t care about the truth. Just what people will believe. Come on. They’ve been lying to our faces for nearly a decade, and show no signs of stopping.

      Recently, the new MO is to double down on the lies. never an apology or anything. just a ‘well, yeah. that’s exactly what it is. you can believe THOSE liars, or me!’

      nobody seems to care though. The only way to get things to change is to get people who don’t vote to get out there and actually vote. The numbers have to show these clowns are a minority of the Americans. and hopefully it will change the GOP’s overall process. They love money and helping their rich friends – but they love their jobs and own financial security more. if they realize they might be out of work because Trump lost in a landslide, we MIGHT see some changes on the GOP. Instead, the GOP believes there’s a good 50% of the population who want them to act this way.

    11. Thats,it they (Trump/Vance) just don’t care who gets hurt. They are awful. Please vote. Not for those two, we really are better than this.

    12. I’m really starting to develop a deep hatred for people I used to be cool with because as a black man I look at them and it’s just like “dMmm was I just one of the good ones to you?” And then have the FUCKING NERVE to talk about how much they love god and how they live to follow how Christ lives

    13. horse_you_rode_in_on on

      > If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

      * a normal and uproblematic guy, according to some.

    14. Contrary to what the OP says, I find this kind of behaviour from Trump and Vance to be entirely believable. They’ve been behaving like this for 8 years now.

    15. ThE_LAN_B4_TimE on

      These people are incapable of being remotely decent about anything. It’s disgusting that people will stand for this shit.

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