What? 🇵🇪

    by CloverAntics


    1. lifasannrottivaetr on

      His daughter, Keiko, keeps knocking on the door of the presidency but the other parties always band together and put the most viable candidate in power. Pretty bad when your political rivals prefer the likes of Ollanta Humala to you. She is like the Marine le Pen of Peru.

    2. CloneasaurusRex on

      He was born in Peru to Japanese immigrants.

      He was Peruvian. Similar to how Kamala Harris is American, regardless of her parents’ birth nationality.

    3. Suspicious_Good_2407 on

      Funnily enough, the most radical far-right party in the Czech Republic is also being led by a half-japanese feller. And he’s gaining numbers with each election, too!

      Guess it’s just in the blood for these guys.

    4. He dug Peru out of a lot of shit, and did many terrible, horrible things in the process.

      Peruvians outside of Lima have a very mixed opinions, though it leans on the positive side. Inside of Lima he’s mostly hated. A lot of them hate communists, but college death squads aren’t the answer either. And there are still communist guerillas in some parts of the jungles, and many people haven’t forgotten the bombings, many have.

      Speculation is that he was supposed to be paid the money he stole after he was done and the government reneged on the deal, so he just took it. How much honesty is there, I couldn’t say.

    5. AlfredusRexSaxonum on

      What? He was Peruvian… a Peruvian of Japanese ancestry. I think the focus should be more how this bozo committed crimes against humanity with impunity and ruined (or ended) the lives of so many innocent people.

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