You can walk into a room like this where people cheer when you step onto the stage and you might think for a second that you’re kind of special. Then you go home, and your kids remind you very quickly you’re actually not that big of a deal.

    -Woman who no one gives a shit about

    by nsucs2


    1. Battailous_Joint on

      Remember when these people were complaining about Democrats disrespecting a segment of American voters? Here they are doing the same.

    2. Hey, Sarah Huckabee Sanders – maybe Harris doesn’t have such compelling reasons to be humble as you do.

    3. PuzzleheadedRoyal559 on

      At least Harris can look directly at her stepchildren. Huckabee is looking at her kid and something on the other side of the room.

    4. TheEvilOfTwoLessers on

      Nepo baby talking about humility, that’s rich. Not as rich as Sarah and her grifter daddy, but still rich.

    5. Soooo Trump is humble? He has kids. Obviously he doesn’t think of himself as some omnipotent figure that can do no wrong, and that everyone is beneath him…


    6. tavariusbukshank on

      She replied “if a wonky eyed “sporty gal” like myself can find someone to put a baby in her, anyone can!”.

    7. PerformanceSmooth392 on

      This is so weird. Their fantasy is to replicate the Nazis and force women to make babies for the country but only white babies with blue eyes.

    8. Cedric-the-Destroyer on

      Children do not make you a good person, or humble. That’s the reasonable response, but unfortunately the world doesn’t work that way

    9. Does Huckabee Sanders also look her children in the eyes and tell them, “thanks to policies of the party I support, and my inaction as a govenor, you are FAR more likely to be killed by gunfire or in a mass shooting in America compared to any other part of the world?”

      Firearms are the leading cause of deaths for American children, including teens


    10. SuccessfulPiccolo945 on

      As opposed to people whose kids think they are the greatest in the world, Sarah? Maybe you’re doing it wrong. I know I thought mine were great.

    11. There is a great book called The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig. In it there’s a neologism: Sonder n. “The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own-“

      No one can know the joys or horrors of another person’s life; What led them to their particular lot. When did being brak and garish become so socially acceptable?

      Just be a decent person!

    12. I can’t understand MAGA’s apparently resolute determination to alienate people who don’t have children.

    13. I always think when they turn to this horrible no children rhetoric, what if the people they are attacking are unable to have children? It’s quite sick really.

    14. Wonderful_Garbage229 on

      I just roll my eyes at this shit and remind myself that if this is the best they can come up with against Harris, then they are scared shitless because they have nothing of substance.

    15. inappropriatebeing on

      Any time Trump and his acolytes speak, the likelihood of a Harris presidency becomes more real.

    16. They think that morals only come from religion and having kids. Exactly how many Liberals have tried to shoot DJT?

    17. Huckababy looks like she chases parked cars and stole money from her constituents numerous times. She has no right to say ANYTHING about Harris at all.

    18. What gets me is that these people think the majority of people are like them. They can’t handle that they are not.

    19. Electronic-Room-4242 on

      Sarah Huckabee Sanders… “I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. She burns facts, and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”

      Michelle Wolf, White House Correspondent’s Dinner, April 2018.

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