They don’t pay bills here

    by Da-Donkey69


    1. My parents would have a Sade CD playing. Don’t even think about going anywhere near that bedroom either.

    2. Complex-Professor257 on

      We put videos on our son’s iPad, put headphones on him and send him to his room. He is still too young to know why.

    3. My husband and I rarely lounge in our bedroom so our kids assume that we’re having sex anytime we’re in there whether we are or not. My son tried to be funny once and ask what we were about to go do when he saw us going to our room for a private conversation. My husband told him “You said you wanted a little brother. Practice makes perfect.” My son was not amused.

    4. IronGrenadier30 on

      I have 2 kids in Primary school. Bed time is 730pm. Melatonin is given at 630pm. By 8pm, they are Ko’d.

    5. People act like Red Lobster and Super 8 were around since Adam & Eve. Why you think Marvin Gaye got so popular?

    6. Send them out back in the yard with the dog, wearing pork chops. That’ll keep everyone busy for a minute.

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