A Nike ad that aired during the 2000 Summer Olympics that was pulled off the air due to complaints.

    by yoyome85


    1. This is actually pretty good. And it is sad that creative stuff that actually makes sense needs to get pulled off because it offends a handful of idiots that happen to be loud enough.

    2. Heavy-Octillery on

      Everytime I see this video I’m convinced they cut Jason’s lines where he’s just cursing at the fact how much he’s chasing and just pretty much has to curse his way over the log lol

    3. This ought to be on all the subs centered on concealed weapons, every day carry and disaster preparedness.

      Physical fitness is an important part of your ability to respond to emergency, and is in many respects more important than gear.

    4. Popcorn_isnt_corn on

      Would have been better with a dopey guy running from a midsized predator like a bobcat or iguana

    5. Apparently: The Nike ad featuring a chainsaw-wielding man, which aired in 2000, was pulled due to its controversial content. The ad depicted a female runner being chased through the woods by a man holding a chainsaw, clearly referencing horror movie tropes. Though the intent was to highlight the runner’s athleticism and speed, many viewers found the ad disturbing and inappropriate, especially in its portrayal of violence and fear. Concerns were raised that it trivialized violence against women, leading to backlash and the decision to remove it from the air.

    6. Better version of this is if the killer was wearing nike shoes and managed to get victim by only walking

    7. Outrageous-Sun-5922 on

      This is a great ad. It sorta evades the metaphysical dimension of these horror movies with unstoppable relentless killers, i.e. that death is inevitable, but it’s good to see a would-be victim save themselves by means of their own self-cultivated capacities.

      In some countries this ad would air after 9pm. Don’t think that applies in the US, because we either don’t give a shit what our children watch because of laziness, or we want to prevent everyone from watching what we think is inappropriate, thus infantilizing everyone. Those countries with a watershed seem to have actually considered that they can air things on tv that are not meant for children, and that parents should be the ones responsible for what their children watch and see.

    8. emergency_salad_fox on

      The athlete is Suzy Favor Hamilton an amazing runner in her day. She also turned to sex work after being misdiagnosed for depression and taking the wrong medication. Very interesting person.

    9. I VERY clearly remember seeing this ad as a 10 year old and being terrified. I had trouble looking in the bathroom mirror for months. I was just a little kid and didn’t understand the theater of commercials and such yet.

    10. Fun piece of trivia: The actor who played Leatherface in the original film (Gunnar Hansen) wore cleats in a lot of the running scenes, but forgot to switch to them before the chase scene at the end. You can see him making a really really wide turn coming out of the house to keep from falling down. (Source: DVD commentary).

    11. Sarcastic_Backpack on

      Stupid sensitive morons. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this ad.

      It doesn’t promote violence against women because it’s obviously using a fictional serial killer from the movies. It also promotes a positive message about exercise.

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