[OC] Car Brands with the Worst Drivers — USA, 2023

    by RobbDom


    1. Hessian_Rodriguez on

      It is a good thing my truck is old enough that it is a dodge and not a ram. It makes me a better driver.

    2. Yea I’ve seen shitposts like this before. This “data” comes from an off-brand website that comes from an opinion post from lending tree. Lending tree retrieved their “data” from compiling information based on insurance quotes THEY have given. Here are two quotes from them:

      Editorial Note: The content of this article is based on the author’s opinions and recommendations alone. It may not have been reviewed, commissioned or otherwise endorsed by any of our network partners.

      Our latest analysis uses QuoteWizard by LendingTree insurance quote data to determine which car brands have the worst drivers.

    3. beansandcornbread on

      Any list like this that doesn’t start with Dodge due to Charger drivers is untrustworthy.

    4. Absolutely believe the top 4 who seem to dwarf all the rest. We don’t have as many Rams but have lots of Teslas and Subaru. And they generally suck at driving

    5. Notice all the brands at the bottom are mostly discontinued? Something tells me this data is flawed. It’s skewed towards popular brands. Ofc the brands with more owners on the road would statistically have more incidents.

    6. Kind of looks like statistical noise. Can’t be too far off what an expected distribution would be like if the data was just random.

    7. Ahh, so this is why dodge made RAM its own brand, to segregate out the truck drivers who were driving up the accident rates.

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