Falling gas prices make Republicans mad. Feds lowering rates now a bad thing.

    by Peasant_Stockholder


    1. Always rooting for America to lose, yet at the same time are red-blooded American patriots? Someone make this shit make sense

    2. “Make America Great Again” except it the party we like might loose then we’ll make it worse.

    3. These are the same people who are putting their vote behind a man who believes Canada has a giant faucet they are using to pour all of oir water into the ocean.

      Don’t expect logic from them.

    4. Republicans: “Democrats are causing all our problems! Vote red!”

      Democrats: “I mean, the Republican-lead house is dragging their feet, but here’s some solutions in the meantime to-“

      Republicans: “No! No solutions! Only anger!”

    5. “I’d gladly pay the high price to see them lose”.

      Owning themselves to “own the libz”. What a bunch of quarterwits.

    6. If it was just that easy, it wouldn’t have been an issue for the last 2 years. Gas prices have been declining for the last two years and people are only noticing now. Interest rates have been a topic of speculation since at least April.

    7. The only way they have any kind of traction with the non-MAGA rubes is if they can flap about something the government doesn’t have much control over.

    8. If a president can magically lower gas prices to get votes, why didn’t he do it a year ago?

      Similar to the “stolen election.” They rigged the election so Biden would win, but they didn’t bother to give themselves a five-seat majority in the Senate? To defeat Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis? Or to win a few state legislatures?

    9. What happened to patriotism? What is best for the country? The other side would rather see the country go down in flames, than see positive success for the nation as a whole.

    10. Funny Story: One of my neighbors was flying his Trump flag for the past couple of months. A couple of days ago, I noticed it had been taken down. Turns out, he was planning to sell his home, and I guess a Trump flag makes selling a home harder.

    11. The shit right here is why we can’t have healthcare in this country…..so many racist and bigoted people would rather pay substantially more but also everyone else pay substantially more….just so they can have a got-em moment….

      Fuck you just can’t fix stupid….

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