This homemade gun found during arrest of man in Albury, Australia.

    by YowieDingo


    1. You wouldn’t see me load .22 rounds into a weapon held together with what looks like bandage tape.

    2. FUCK_IT_Australia on

      How the fuck is that even supposed to work. Please explain. It can’t be left like this….. This is just not right. I need to know more and how many fingers does he have left?

    3. I can’t even figure out how it’s supposed to work, is that the barrel pointing down? How does it ire the bullets?

    4. ItsStaaaaaaaaang on

      Lol. It’s been so long since we’ve been allowed guns we’ve forgotten the art of gunsmithing. Clearly we haven’t forgotten the art of meth.

    5. I always thought Fallout 4’s pipe weapons were sketchy, but this is a whole new level and it is real life.

    6. Gun advocates in the US:

      Criminals will always have access to illegal guns!

      The illegal guns criminals have access to:

    7. Is that a sock and athletic tape??? I hope he wach youtube on how to mix super glue and baking soda correctly.

    8. Police have recovered a bizarre homemade firearm, ammunition, and house breaking items from a man in West Albury.

      Officers were called to Wattle Way about 3.30pm on Tuesday amid reports a man was armed with a weapon.

      The 20-year-old man fled police when they arrived and jumped a fence in Fern Place.

      Police found a backpack with the homemade gun and other implements typically used for break-ins.

      The gun appeared to have been held together by tape and made from tools.

      Brandon Fitzgerald, 20, has admitted to having the homemade gun and ammunition. Picture by NSW Police

      The 20-year-old man, Brandon Fitzgerald, was taken into custody during the September 17 incident and a search allegedly found stolen bank cards.

      Fitzgerald was charged with firearms offences, having suspected stolen goods, car theft, trespassing and other charges.

      He was already wanted on a warrant and had appeared in previous Warrant Wednesday appeals.

    9. This is like a gun designed by someone who’s never seen a gun, but found a copy of a copy of a third-grade drawing of one.

    10. Americans: “Gun control is impossible, people will just make their own!”

      Australians: “And I took that personally.”

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