I (U.K. citizen) am working in my company’s Belgian Office today. I’ve just found out that Belgium operates AZERTY keyboards as opposed to QWERTY.

    by UJ_boy


    1. I hope you enjoy typing on your new QWERTY keyboqrd. I’ve been using one for q few dqys qnd it’s auite good!

    2. A technical note: Set it up as qwerty and don’t look at the keys, it will work.

      Fun fact: Even the Belgians I worked with hated it.

    3. That is mildly interesting, is it the same in Flanders or just the French speaking parts of Belgium? As the other commenter said, you can switch it to QWERTY layout and just ignore the keycaps.

    4. I remember a very angry Reddit post how WASD controls in games make no sense and hurt your wrist and fingers. The dude was playing on AZERTY keyboard and thought it was the norm everywhere

    5. Same thing in France, so blame them, meanwhile the Germans use QWERTZ instead, Russians use ITSUKEN (in transcription from Cyrillic) etc

    6. I spent year at a French university and took my computer with me. When I first arrived I set up my computing account by blindly typed the same password I used for everything into an Azerty keyboard in the IT department, only to find that I had literally no idea what characters it actually contained.

    7. Big talk coming from someone who’s default keyboard layout has the at symbol (@) over on the double quote space (“) on the UK English keyboard layout.

      QWERTY U.S. International best. Or I’ll also accept dvorak or some of those other really out there ergo layouts.

      Every other country specific layout can suck a….

      Signed not an American.

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