This is what abortion bans do. Say her name.

    by New-Ask2755


    1. There are many who celebrate this outcome. Some publicly, some not. Mixing blind zealotry with racism, you can imagine what they are thinking.

      No appeal to reason or decency will prove effective against those who value neither. They don’t fail to see what is wrong with this tragic outcome. They know. It would be bad enough to say that they just don’t care, but their moral failure goes far beyond apathy. They cheer for this. They are excited and satisfied, and they want more.

      These twisted ghouls will never stop wanting more suffering. It is how they measure their power. This horrible outcome is being celebrated, and they want more.

    2. Despotic bans, with promises of criminal prosecution and stripping licenses (ability to make a living), accomplishes one thing: making Healthcare providers jittery and scared to do their job. It’s easier to let a mom die (lesser penalty, if any) than do something that MAY be perceived as interfering with a fetus, even if that fetus is unviable.

      Thanks Don. This what the Heritage Foundation wants for our daughters.

      They can go to hell.

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