Oh it’s definitely ridiculous

    by crs_villaru


    1. CoralinesButtonEye on

      not a vance supporter by any means, but do people realize how dishonest this attack is? those bills have multiple, sometimes MANY other proposed law changes, additions, or removals in them. he could easily have objected to one of the other things in the bill to the point of voting against the whole thing.

      any time i see media or anyone use this specific type of gotcha it makes me cringe because of the overall deceitfulness of it

    2. Redmannn-red-3248 on

      That’s a bit contradictory! Voting against protecting IVF while claiming to support affordable families doesn’t quite add up.

    3. That’s why there’s a saying that it’s hard to lie because you have to have a good memory.

      Trump has neither a good memory nor the ability to even lie effectively. It’s just all he knows and he relies on MAGAts now to fill in the gaps/do damage control on the shit he says.

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