Intel is so cooked that the CEO has started praying on X 😭

    by NoPantsGonnaSmash


    1. Intel had planned to construct a cutting-edge chip manufacturing facility in Magdeburg, Germany. However, due to a decline in the company’s stock value, the project has been temporarily suspended. This decision has significant implications for the local community, as the German government had pledged substantial subsidies and anticipated the creation of approximately 1000-3000 highly skilled jobs.

    2. Cheap-Comfortable-50 on

      well this is what happens when you push bad product on your buyers, maybe AMD will become king of the market if these guys make anymore cut backs.

    3. Well, the stock is performing about as well as theology driven management can make it. Like your Lord and Saviour, it will rise again. Or just…sink like a lead balloon until they get a CEO that realises that the market value doesn’t respond to prayer.

    4. Intel is dirt cheap at these levels ,this Intel doom is overblown ,product wise Intel is making good moves ,next week lunar lake is releasing possible best mobile chip from Intel ,next month 15 gen desktop showing leaks very promising , Intel don’t need to do much to double from this levels

    5. This isn’t related to intel, but it reminded of something I have never figured out: what is this weird notation after those quotes? “Timmy 15:12”, or somesuch. It seems to always be someone’s name, followed be two colon-separated numbers. I have no idea what to do with that, no idea what it means.

    6. wherethehellareya on

      Obviously you don’t have to believe in it but don’t mock someone’s religion and the way they handle tough times.

    7. Conveniently cutting out the part that would have shown that he has been doing this for years now and not something he started doing recently.

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