Video footage of the Ocean gate submarine wreckage was released

    by POTATOEL0rD


    1. Who’s idea was it to use a discount third party controller to control a fucking sub? My prayers to the families, but that was not so bright

    2. So it was just as surmised. Carbon Fiber hull completely obliterated. All passengers liquified near instantaneously. We can only speculate how much concern they had before the time of implosion. Fascinating and bleak.

      Edit: You see that fucking ratchet strap around this thing? What kinda janky ass operation was this. So low budget they wont find a black box, just an old xbox controller.

    3. Too be honest when you mad enough to mount the monitors in the capsule by screwing self tapping screws directly into the carbon fibre hull, and using a Logitech game controller to steer the thing, it can’t be long before it ends badly. Fortunately it was probably over fairly quick, and they would have not had time to register what had happened.

    4. Apparently the last communication suggested things were fine. Were they? Seeing drawings/animations/vids of inside the thing is terrifying. Like a child’s cardboard submarine. Small round window at the front, face to face with an ocean. A game controller. Did some sailing in big water. Scary. Felt like a fool on a matchstick. I hope they had no time for fear, but this water, that home-made tube, a madman at the plastic helm . . . . God rest them now.

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