Save of the Century?

    by valejojohnson


    1. His bank account only going down 50% ???

      I’d be over the moon if the balance in my bank account could cover the cost of a car wreck.

    2. Despite his initial error he actually performed pretty well. Most drivers are slow get on the brakes and fail to press hard enough to stop as quickly as they can.
      Most cars can brake quite well and people aren’t used to those kinds of forces in cars and back off.

      Mercedes actually has a system in place that looks for fast activation of the brakes and automatically engages the full power of the system if they detect urgent braking. I engaged it by accident once and it scared the shit out of me and the driver behind me.

    3. I see such morons daily. This lady that stopped in the next lane on red light, was dipped into her phone like her life depended on it. But her occasional laughs told me she was either watching tiktok or texting. I lowered my window down and screamed steaight ahead in abyss, “LOOK AT THAT STUPID SHT WATCHING HER PHONE WHILE DRIVING”. She stared at me immediately and then looked in front and did not see anyone. I pulled my window up and she realized who I was talking about 😂

    4. They got it all wrong lol. That was the face of a man that just had his seat just shoot up into his ass because he clinched his but cheeks so hard

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