On Starvation.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Daily reminder that we are the only first world country where it isn’t, because money and profits > human decency

    2. Obesity is highest in the poorest states in the US. People may want higher quality food, but nobody is starving.

    3. If a broken arm cost $1.50 and cancer treatment cost $30, healthcare wouldn’t be a hot political topic.

    4. I can’t even understand this mentality. And the lack of self reflection to actually say it out loud, to millions of people.

    5. The most ludicrous proposal that Thomas Massie could think of was: feeding the hungry. Great Christian, that Thomas Massie.

    6. A Distribution not Production problem.

      The state of California alone can meet the basic food needs of the U.S.A.

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