The fox sits patiently and appreciates the beautiful tune.

    by SouL145


    1. Thanks
      They’re mesmerizingly beautiful creatures. I’ve only seen a couple in the wild and they were a lot more skittish

    2. MadamNymphNature1 on

      awww when faced with such melodious perfection y wouldn’t one sit back and bask in the musical glory? this fox indeed a musician in its previous life <33

    3. I know I’m being slightly buzz-killington here, but I feel like the likely explanation is that music-playing humans have offered this fox food in the past.

    4. Former_Cheek7719 on

      The way its ears kept moving backward and forward as if he was analyzing every note!! 🙂

    5. Lucky he didn’t come up and bite his leg. They are known to do that after showing docile behavior

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