Mar-a-Lago will soon be an “under-the-sea” property.

    by JulietAlfaTango


    1. ConsiderationOdd2929 on

      Remember when he turned to a leading scientific expert ***LIVE*** on national television and asked her if he could inject UV light and bleach into someone’s body to cure Covid-19?

      Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    2. nice-view-from-here on

      It’s the sort of comments stand-up comics will say for a laugh. This humorless buffoon says laughable things all the time without realizing it. Sad, sad clown.

    3. Don’t worry Donny, Ben Shapiro says you won’t have a problem selling your place when the seas rise.

    4. Except there is property that’s already seafront and rising sea levels mean they go under the waves.

    5. Did Trump read the book he is selling to others? The one that has a story about a deity that decided to create a market for yachts but only gave the blueprints to one person?

      The point is that rising sea levels equals less land. Less land equals less seafront property. The deity also proved that concept in the reverse by removing the flood water.

    6. And don’t forget, “nuclear” is the biggest threat to the domestic auto industry… That was his actual fucking answer to a question about the threats to American auto manufacturing.

    7. I’m sure you’ve all heard of ocean front properties but what if those properties could be ocean back too???

    8. Crap that HBO movie “don’t look up” or something taking the way had it on point 100%,,,, ahhh crap

    9. Trump would encourage millions of people being drowned or forced to flee coastal cities so as to enrich himself personally, as if you can build resorts over the remains of submerged civilizations. The man is truly a psychopath.

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