Oh it’s definitely ridiculous

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Friendly-Ice4288 on

      He went from a weird couch fucker to a stupid motherfucker inviting the worst elements of humanity to burn his state down to the ground and terrorize its citizens. The pivot worked, good job.

    2. I think trump is going to change VPs last minute because he thinks he will be doing it in spite of Biden dropping out of the race.. lol

    3. GUYS hear me out. If THIS clown can graduate Yale, I reckon I can coast through it pretty easily. Yale seems to be the bottom rung.

    4. throwtheclownaway20 on

      I really don’t get why they hate IVF. Isn’t their whole thing to literally breed and indoctrinate as many people as possible? Why not make it as easily obtainable as possible?

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