What exactly is a ”dirt spice”?

    by Accurate-Albatross34


    1. She meant ground spices. Because ground is dirt, and she doesn’t know how to conjugate “grind”.

    2. What a weird comment. Some people like spicy food, some don’t. We’re all different. Some days I crave some spice, other days I want something different. There’s no right or wrong with food tastes.

    3. NotUrPunchingBag on

      So… flavor?

      Your boiled, unseasoned chicken breast and cauliflower will be right out ma’am.

    4. FFS, people killed for that “dirt” for hundreds of years. Nobody learned about spices and dye?

    5. Sydney Watson desperate to join in the racist shitposting, as ever. She’s really fallen off the radar these last few years.

    6. This bitch adds raisins to potato salad, and thinks that salt is “spicy”.

      Indian food is legitimately fantastic.

    7. Awkward_Bench123 on

      A dirt spice is a term an ignorant “Dr” would use. People that talk like that are really just disgusting trash.

    8. Indian food is amazing. Even better is Sri Lankan food, which tastes like Indian but doesn’t use ghe.

    9. I actually have a friend who thinks ketchup is too spicy.

      This woman is the same broken, joyless person.

    10. She had to say “Dirt Spice” because the National Review guy already used the “N” word this week and she didn’t want to crowd him out.

    11. This WAS a thing when spices were first introduced to Europeans. They saw it as this disgusting food that need this “spice” dress up gross food; this was mostly the Aristocracy.

      Wait until she realizes that a VAST MAJORITY of ever recipe ever created has roots with the humble and needy.

      I never thought this brand of racism would make this type of comeback.

    12. Saffron is expensive as fuck. My neighbors are Indian and slap me silly with a wet rag if that smell wafting over the fence doesn’t tickle my tonsils and make me salivate.

    13. The funniest part about this is the only thing I can think of that could count as a dirt spice is salt….because it’s a rock.

    14. I’m a white boy. We’re talking whitey white. I did 23 and me and found I’m 99.3% Northwestern European.

      I will fucking die on the hill that Chicken Tikka Masala is some of the best comfort foods on the planet. That stuff is delicious!!

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