Gavin Newsom from the top rope on Elon Musk

    by MoreMotivation


    1. ‘In a couple of weeks ‘ maybe too late.

      A continued campaign against the lies and misinformation on Xitter is required by anyone that cares about democracy.

      A billionaire is trying to use his money to subvert an election.

    2. We need laws like Asimov’s robot laws. First, technology (AI) cannot be used to impersonate a real human, living or dead, without explicit written permission of that person or their foundation.

      It’s just dead dumb obvious.

    3. PassengerNo2259 on

      Leon is gonna be big mad now, he’s gonna pack the furniture of both remaining shitter employees in a U-haul and move them to Texas.

    4. of course elongated muskrat loves a video (I found the original) where Harris says she is a DEI hire

    5. “Knowingly” is going to do a lot of heavy lifting. This gives Musk plausible deniability. He doesn’t care about looking stupid. he’ll sit there and tell you to your face that he is constantly “tricked” by fake content and he doesn’t care.

    6. I’m convinced Leon’s voice and thoughts are all AI. Look at him and know there’s no soul whatsoever present…

    7. Fuck this propaganda spinning piece of shit who is a fascist and enemy of the USA 🇺🇸.


    8. NotThoseCookies on

      I’d imagine President Harris will take a dim view of Leon’s USDOD contract suitability given his foreign bedfellows.

    9. Lethal_Nation01 on

      Bro ik people don’t like fall out but cali kinda killing it in some aspects of the law, that im very much happy exist just need the whole usa to cherry pick some of these to better our overall environment and economy. But nope more bullshit

    10. He’s a foreign national who bought one of America’s biggest media corporations in order to influence the American people.

      This should have never been allowed to happen.

      Will a Russian oligarch purchase Instagram and start boosting Pro-Facist propaganda next?

    11. Seattle_gldr_rdr on

      There’s going to be a 1A challenge, but we need to have the fight. This shit will wreck us if we don’t control it.

    12. Elon’s crap doesn’t move the needle one bit. Harris supporters are too smart to fall for his bullshit and Trump supporters are already stupid enough to vote for Trump. It’s all useless screaming into his crappy echo chamber and only reflects badly on him and his companies.

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