Can we not downplay the heinous shit this man has done please?

    by BaldHourGlass667


    1. Mountain_Bedroom_476 on

      Yeah definitely. But watch the press conference, the fact that the actual DA had to legit say “evidence of freak offs” multiple times means this man needs to be locked up

    2. Head-Selection-1415 on

      He outdid Cosby.

      He was more violent than Epstein.

      No one is feeling awful for him.

      And that’s how it should be.

    3. Dude I’m going to keep saying this ppl here were hoping that rumors that Meek got sexually assaulted by Diddy so they could make “lol he’s gay” jokes because they don’t like the guy. And ppl wonder why people don’t come out to report on predators in the industry.

    4. “Too Freaky”

      Didn’t everyone here see that hotel video a few months ago? If he treats his longtime celebrity girlfriend like that, what do you think happens to everyone else?

    5. The trauma in our community we still figuring out that came at the hands of this country

      Coupled with

      The idea that a justice system that been fuckin Black people up for centuries

      Makes shit real weird when they wanna come for a Black celebrity who appears to be guilty as fuck.

      That said, fuck puffy and everyone that defends him. Fuck anyone that wanna accuse other Black celebrities that may been victimized by puffy of ‘being gay.’ Consensual gay passion in our community is and should always be treated as valid and beautiful and every bit as deserving of respect as hetero activity whether you wanna be up in it or not. And fuck anyone that would victimize our people for having been victimized by another of us.

      We can be better. We will be better. Cuz we *are* better.

    6. It’s disrespectful to actually freaky people. You’d be utterly floored at how easy it is to get into some next level while maintaining all participants’ consensual boundaries and remaining within everyone’s expressed boundaries. Chances are there’s at least a few people into whatever you’re into. Like so far, none of the acts that have been alleged are really anything new. Same goes for Cosby and kels. They didn’t get arrested for being into weird sex stuff. They got arrested for bringing people into weird sex stuff without them being OK with it or consenting to it. The 2nd half of the sentence is the important half.

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