Oceangate Titan – engineer testifies on how the vessel imploded

    by Dark-Knight-Rises


    1. He feels it happens instantly? But didn’t they hear radio waves and sounds some time after.

      I don’t know what’s worse, imploding instantly or falling asleep after a panic due to hypoxia

    2. Deep_Macaron8480 on

      Glue? You’re going to the Titanic and you’re depending on a game controller and glue. Sign me the hell up.

    3. Just let me be rich enough to be this big of an asshole, then give me the wisdom to put what this asshole did into this cock-up, into the uplifting of humanity. Rather than being an arrogant self focused “glory hole”, let me focus outward and maybe….um house the homeless or, maybe create water extraction plants in the desserts, or, creat learning academies in poor neighborhoods and rural communities. I don’t have all the answers but this total fuckup of a project cannot be where rich people sink their wealth into anymore…

    4. I mean really when you sit here saying you used glue in that failed what about rivets and four or five inch steel instead this thing was just a garbage can glued together

    5. No idea it was coming, no idea it happened. They were in the sub, then in an instant they were in the afterlife.

    6. I heard they’re building a new submersible that’s so safe, it’s rated one in a million chance of implosion. But I’m not sure I’d want to be the millionth passenger.

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