This note I found on my car after taking my wife to the doctor…

    by Reese_Withersp0rk


    1. I mean in the bad parking Olympics, you barely qualified. You certainly didn’t place in the top three. I think you should just dispose of your ‘award’. Someone was having a bad day!

    2. Ok-Football7661 on

      I wonder if both the Prius and the minivan right next to you, who also seem to have parked on that innermost line like you did, also got nasty notes or if it was just you 😂 this person needs to take their own advice and seek help

    3. It always impresses me how mad someone has to be to actually go thru with something like this. This dude had to find paper and a pen, write a paragraph, maybe give it a once over to re-stoke their anger, and then slap it on your car. That’s a long time to be seething over something so benign.

    4. Somebody didn’t get enough attention from mommy and so they lash out at others. You parked fine, OP.

    5. this is how i talk to chatgpt when it replaces my code it already has with a “placeholder example to be replaced with my actual code”

    6. Everything aside, those parking spots are tiny! They make the ones in Chicago look massive (and Chicago is not known for its spacious parking spots).

    7. throwaway74329857 on

      Damn, all for ON the line? Even with the little courtesy gaps ensuring space regardless? Those spaces are narrow as heck anyway. Sorry you happened to cross paths with a miserable weirdo today.

    8. Lol that’s not about you. That is about the crappy day (or life) the writer was having. He probably would have yelled at a bird if it looked at him funny. See it all the time.

    9. I’m jealous, cause getting a note like that for being slightly on the line would have me laughing for an hour.

    10. I love that even though you were in a rush to get to the hospital, you still parked well enough to where there’s *maybe* 2 inches of overlap and there’s already extra boxes to compensate for any potential overlap like this

      some guy was having a bad day

    11. Tangent. Why is road rage so extreme in Western countries? People drive and park poorly in Taiwan and Japan too, and yet I barely even see people honk.

    12. One time someone left a note like this on my car, but it turns out they were the idiot because they wrote it on an invoice for their auto repair. So I had their name and vehicle name and model. A quick Google search and I could easily find everything about them. I turned it over to our building management and made a formal complaint. I knew who they were but they didn’t know me. Luckily for them I’m not an absolute psycho. People make mistakes and I’m sure there were more parking spaces available in the lot (just like there were on our building’s garage). Hope your wife is OK. 

    13. I think those thoughts when someone is parked way worse than your measly few inches over the line but never would write that out. Dude needs help. He’s big angry.

    14. Diligent-Lunch590 on

      The fact that someone took time to write horrible things in a paper for a stranger is a reflection of the life they have

    15. Foreverstartstoday on

      I know that parking lot. That’s expert level parking. I hope the reason you were there was resolved in your favor. Take care. 

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