Chief Twit Embarrasses Himself Trying to Reference Rage Against the Machine

    by T_Shurt


    1. – Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello mocked billionaire Elon Musk after Musk weirdly cast himself as a rebel and referenced the band in an inane tweet mocking his critics. Musk tweeted: *”Why are so many people raging FOR the machine?”*

      – Amused by Musk’s attempt to position himself as some enemy of the establishment, [Morello couldn’t resist a jab]( and tweeted, ***“Funny cuz Elon was the kid on the cover of Evil Empire.”***

      [The album cover]( features a clean-cut, all-American kid with a cape and the letter “e” on his shirt—a critique of conservative politics, inspired by President Ronald Reagan’s Cold War rhetoric.

      The irony was clear: the “evil” Morello mocked was not communism, as Reagan had labeled it, but the system Musk now represents.

    2. Just like when Paul Ryan said rage against the machine was his favorite band 😂😂. You are the machine!

    3. Does Tom Morello know both sides of the government are the machine? Prob not anymore. He has money. Now it’s soapbox shouting.

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