Adam sandler is filming happy gilmore 2 like 30 minutes from my house

    by Optimus759


    1. whole_chocolate_milk on

      I bet a billion dollars this movie sucks.

      I loved the original, mind you.

      There is no way it will recapture the magic and we will all be profoundly let down.

    2. On the menu is pork loin, sweet potato and some mixed vegetables. I was gonna try to make black pepper chicken but I need Oyster sauce and only found Oyster Flavored sauce which sounds suspicious 👀. Sounds like you’re having a good evening! 

    3. raisedbypoubelle on

      Is he waving hi to acknowledge you or is this ‘Yo, stop with taking pictures’?

    4. Unfortunately Adam Sandler hasn’t been funny or made a half way decent movie in years. Similar to Eddie Murphy. I think we just outgrew that type of humor. Jerry Seinfeld is another actor that I used to love but now he barely get a chuckle out of me. Anyone else agree?

    5. You’ve got to dress up in a penguin suit and roam around his vicinity.


    6. TasteNegative2267 on

      Who is asking for all these fucking sequels to 30 year old movies lol. GIve us some original IP by gum.

    7. Growing up when he was big people always compared me to him. People said I looked like him, spoke like him, and even smelled like him (different reason.)

      Idk if it’s because of that that I never found his comedy funny, but still to this day I can’t enjoy what comes out of his mouth.

      But the situations he is in in his films are truly brilliant. So many legendary lines and scenarios that no one else can match. I often times enjoy the cast far more than Adam and even the modern stuff I can relate this way.
      I watched “that’s my boy” last month and he is truly awful in it. Like wow, bad.
      But man is the scenario funny enough to get a laugh and EVERYONE else just carries it.

      Not the same as happy Gilmore but it gets done.

      So I hope with this, since its an already funny premise, it can get back to him being good in the role he created.

      Golf has changed a LOT since the first film and it has become a part of its culture. I hope he isn’t going to ruin it with this followup. I want to believe in him, simply because I know people still constantly ask me if I’m him on the golf course.

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